Thursday, July 15, 2010

I'm Back!

Hello followers of the Pier blog....I'm sure some of you have completely given up on any new postings any time soon! Well, I'm back and ready to do some heavy duty blogging! We just got back from a 3 week vacation so I've got lots of stories to tell and lots of pictures to show you! Plus I have plenty other things that need to be blogged about. So sit back and hopefully within the week I'll get a few posts up!

But before any of that I must share (with those of you that don't know)....I'm pregnant with baby #4....due January 9th. I'm now almost 15 weeks and in 4 weeks we'll hopefully find out if it's a girl or boy. Other than being tired alot and struggling to get a full night's rest the pregnancy is going sickness or anything. So I'll keep you posted!

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