Thursday, December 18, 2008

Jason's First Major Haircut

Like Madison and Carson, Jason was born with a head full of hair that just grows and grows. It wasn't such an issue with Madison, being a girl and all, but both Carson and now Jason have needed haircuts before they're even one. I was too nervous to cut Carson's myself at one so he didn't have his first haircut until I took him to Great Clips after Jason was born. I'm a little more daring now with my third and I took the clippers to him. It took over a week to complete the job as I could only do a little here and there when he'd sit still and not reach for the clippers. Here are some before and after pictures as well as some flashbacks of Carson.

Jason Before:

Jason After: (mom, don't will grow back)
I just love this looks like he's enjoying some conversation after dinner time.
This is Carson almost a year ago...obviously prior to a haircut.
Another "before" shot of Carson. A day after his first birthday.
May 2008...Carson 15 months, Jason 3 1/2 months. At this point Carson actually had had his first haircut, but I opted to keep the bangs...he had such a big head that he needed the bangs plus his hair was so soft and fine that it worked for him.
I'm getting a little braver with Carson. End of May 2008 I use the clippers on him and get rid of some of the bangs.
June 2008 with cousin Timothy (2 1/2). A little less bangs now. Jodi, had Timothy even had a haircut at this point?

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