Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Jason ~ 11 months and On The Move

Jason is now 11 months old but wants to do everything his brother and sister are doing. He wants and will eat almost everything he sees us eating. He's very fond of meats but not as fond of veggies. He can locate any sippy cup in a room and makes a beeline to get to it and drink whatever the contents happen to be. We're beginning to make the transition from bottle to sippy cup and from formula to whole milk and he has no complaints about the changes. He crawls up the stairs almost as quickly as Carson, and is now an avid walker. He's been walking for over 2 weeks and has gotten quite fast. Falling doesn't phase him which is a good thing since the dog or the other kids are constantly getting in his way and knocking him down. I've been trying to capture him walking (like Frankenstein) for awhile now but he moves so fast that it's difficult. Plus add in the other 2 children wanting to get to the camera and the dog moving this way and that, and you can understand what a task it is. I finally got a half way decent video yesterday and even though it's only 3 seconds and blurry it gives you an idea of how he's getting around.


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