Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Jackson William....January 3, 2011

On January 3rd, 2011 I checked in at Shady Grove Hospital to have my scheduled c-section since our son seemed to be very content in the womb. The day really seemed like a normal day as Matt went to work in the morning and Mom and I took the kids to preschool. Then Matt and I headed to the hospital around 11am and waited in the waiting room for my nurse. I even had a few moments to go and visit a friend from Outback who was being induced that very day. My nurse than escorted us to the OR prep area and then it all began to get real....putting on the hospital gown, climbing into the hospital bed, getting hooked up to an IV, getting hooked up to the monitors, etc.....I wasn't too nervous or anxious but knew that I would be soon. Once I was in the operating room, I began to get a little anxious...of course it wasn't helping that after the spinal was given to me I began to get really, really hot and nauseous! Once I threw up I began to feel a little better and it helped when Matt was finally able to join me to sit next to me and keep me calm. It seemed like forever as Dr. Apgar cut through scar tissue carefully to get to my uterus but within a few minutes he was pulling our son out. They knew immediately that he was a big boy and it was confirmed when they put him on the scale and he weighed 9 lbs. 1 oz. (my guess exactly, by the way). He was 20 1/2 inches long and scored a 9 then on 10 on the apgar scale.....wonderful!
Waiting, waiting, waiting....
Matt had to get the scrubs on too......
Matt's first look at Jackson William....right after he was pulled out and after his cord was cut....we have this exact pose with each of our kids.
The transfer from the operating room bed to my hospital bed....it's very cool that they put the baby at the bottom of the bed to be wheeled to recovery along with you.
In recovery....feeling a bit out of it, but still able to snuggle with Jackson.
A few shots of Jackson in the nursery before making his way to our room.

He's hungry....
He finally arrives at our room!
A video of him getting cleaned up in the nursery.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

So cute! Savannah wants the video played over and over again. It's almost like having a crying baby right in our home.