Thursday, July 9, 2009

Madison's First Ballet Class

At the beginning of June, Madison participated in her first ballet class under the teaching of a very kind and talented young lady from our church. The class was for 3 1/2 to 5 year olds which meant that Madison was probably the youngest since she was just 3 1/2 at the end of May. She was very excited for the class...until we got there. She cried quite a bit the first day, but eventually adjusted. She wouldn't show me anything she was learning at home so I was really unsure of what she would do on "performance" day. She delighted and surprised me!

Here are some pictures and videos.
Most of the girlies prior to their performance.
Madison sitting patiently and so seriously.
Doing the hand movements to the Bible verse they worked on through the week.

One of their activities was to learn to walk on their tiptoes in a graceful manner. It's Madison's turn to walk across the room with 20 plus people watching!

And my favorite video...their final performance. Madison amazed me as she followed the teacher's directions and cues. Isn't she adorable...I'm biased I guess.

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