Friday, January 16, 2009

Happy Birthdays!

Hard to believe but one year ago our youngest, Jason was born and to top it all off he was born on Daddy's 40th birthday! He is such a joy in our home. His laughter is contagious. He is into everything, just like his sister and brother, and he is constantly on the go! At his doctor visit today he weighed 23 pounds (54%) and measured 31 inches (84%). Yesterday we celebrated both Jason's and Daddy's birthdays. Enjoy the pictures.
Jason's birthday first heavy duty try at decorating. It was fun, I was happy with how it turned out, but wow what a task...mixing the colors, filling decorating bags, changing tips, cleaning up the big mess, whew...Carson will be getting a football cake for his birthday as we'll celebrate on Super Bowl Sunday!
Jason and Carson had Matt and I up numerous times during the night as they have both been sick, but we started the morning off by presenting Jason with his giant Pooh singing balloon.

Present you can see Madison and Carson understand the concept a bit more than Jason!
Jason is excited about one of his new toys!
Daddy's turn for a gift....Troy Polamalu jersey (Pittsburgh Steelers). Matt is a huge Steelers fan and has been for a long time. We all love watching Polamalu play so I was delighted to get Matt his first Steeler jersey!
A gift from alphabet train. Once again, Carson and Madison help out!
Time for singing and cake!

Jason being cautious before digging was as if he kept looking to me for approval to get messy!

It was a big you can see he had no problem finishing it all!
When done with plate. peek-a-boo....where'd he go?
Now, for Daddy's turn...Matt loves cheesecake so I made a homemade cheesecake for him!
Wow...2 birthdays in one day...I can't even imagine if I had actually thrown parties!...I'm exhausted!

1 comment:

Beth said...

I had to leave a comment to say a few things:

1. I cannot believe that Jason is old enough to have a first birthday. :)
2. Happy Birthday to Jason and Matt (and, soon, Carson) (and, a belated one to you) (and to you and Sam whenever yours are!)!!!
3. I love reading your blog. Even though I hardly see you these days, I love keeping up to date with your family.
4. Great job on the cake, Shauna! It turned out beautifully.

Lots of love!