Saturday, August 9, 2008

Wheaton Regional Park

Following our long day at Dutch Wonderland, we headed to Wheaton Regional Park the very next morning for a more relaxed outing. We arrived around 9:15 which was perfect--hardly anyone there and it was still nice and cool. The kids (Matt included) enjoyed all of the playground equipment including the giant slides.

Here Madison is emerging from one of many trips down the slides.
And Carson pretending to drive.
Daddy and the kids taking a break by the elephant.
The Park has a wonderful carousel that only costs $1.50 each. We all enjoyed the ride. Someday this carousel will be back in Clarksburg at a park right up the street.
And they have a wonderful little train that gives you a nice long ride through the woods. It was so relaxing. Again...only $1.50 each.

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