Saturday, August 23, 2008
Time at the Pool
Jason...7 months
But you won't see him sit for any length of time because he doesn't like sitting still. He quickly leans over gets on his belly and is on the move. In the video below Madison is coaxing him along but typically he needs no coaxing. He sees something he wants and he's off. I just love how Carson is showing him how it's done in the video.
He is also eating very well. We've graduated to the number 3 foods and he loves them. I also just gave him his first biter biscuit today and he was so happy. He was covered in it by the time he was all done.
Jumping Beans
Why is it that jumping is not something you ever have to teach your kids? Especially when they get on beds!! Recently we bought a twin bed for Madison and in the process of moving the toddler bed out of the room and downstairs the new twin mattress was brought into the foyer and placed on the floor. Madison was immediately in action. After we get her new quilt I'll post some pictures of her new room.
Talking and Singing
Madison barely said 5 words at the age of 2 and I was a bit concerned. Slowly she added more and more words to her vocabulary. She now spends her days talking in full sentences and singing many songs. Here are some of her latest phrases:
"Mommy, you okay?" said with much concern after she hears me say "ouch" if I've just tripped over something or banged my knee on the gate.
"Mommy, too bright." said as she sits at the dining room table in the morning with the sun streaming in.
"Carson, 1, me, 2, Jason, 6 months"
"Jason Pier, Carson Pier, Sam Pier, Me Pier, Mommy Pier, Daddy Pier" said as she rehearses our last name.
And the I'm not particularly proud of..."I not share, I'm being selfish" as she hogs many toys on the couch so Carson can't get them.
Some of her favorite songs are "Jesus, Loves Me," "The Itsy, Bitsy Spider," "Happy Birthday," and "The ABC Song." Here is a clip of her singing the ABCs.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The Montgomery County Fair
One of my favorite spots was Old MacDonald Farm which has nearly every animal in one area and you can touch most of them. Here Madison poses next to the large mama pig with all of her little piglets. They were so cute!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Wheaton Regional Park
Here Madison is emerging from one of many trips down the slides.
A Day at Dutch Wonderland
Here are some pictures of our day. Carson and Madison enjoying their first ride of the day.
Carson readying himself to descend on the slide.
Another little ride that Madison and Carson enjoyed together.
What a day! This is what Matt and I were wishing we could be doing on the way home too!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Carson...18 months old
On Saturday we went to Gravely Point, a great place to see the planes land and take off at Washington National Airport. We weren't there long, but long enough to get our fill of big planes. Here Carson is saying..."where's the plane?" I just love him with his hat on. He's finally more than willing to wear it. If we say that we're going bye-bye he starts tapping his head and saying "hat, hat."
Rocking and Rolling
My oh my, are we in trouble now. Jason is determined to 6 1/2 months. Madison was almost 8 months when she crawled and Carson was almost 8 1/2 months. Since Madison and Carson both walked early (10 1/2 months and 11 months respectively) we could be in trouble. Jason isn't even sitting up on his own yet, but boy can he move around quickly. Here are a couple of videos I caught of him today in motion. In the first one he demonstates his ability to use rolling as an advantage to get around quickly. Do you hear Madison in the background telling me to move?...she was watching her favorite show--the Big Comfy Couch. In the second video Jason demonstrates his ability to rock back and forth on all fours. I'm sure I'll have a video of him crawling within the week.