Saturday, April 19, 2008

Jason--3 months old

Jason continues to be such a bundle of joy. He is now 3 months old and weighs 13 pounds 13 ounces. He is quick to smile or talk to anyone who will pay attention or even look his way.

Check out those dimples.
Another great dimple shot.
One afternoon while the other two were sleeping I fed Jason and then sat him in the boppy on our bed so I could take a shower. I was getting ready and I looked out of the bathroom and there he was sound asleep. So precious.
Madison loves to climb onto the end table so she can see Jason laying in the pack and play. Many times she can get him to talk back to her as in this video. Sorry that it's sideways--I couldn't figure out how to rotate it?? Anyone have the answer?

Here's another one of Jason talking and laughing. It starts off pretty lame but about 30 seconds into it he really gets going. Once again, I'm the newbie at this--is there a way to edit my videos so I don't have to upload the boring parts?

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