Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Adventure in DC.

Jodi and the littlest Huberts finally arrived in Maryland Friday evening. After some play time with the cousins we all headed to bed. The next morning a few of the littlest enjoyed some snuggle time on the couch before beginning our adventure into DC!
Four of the five kids hanging out with the stroller in the metro parking lot as we off load everything necessary from the van.
Tickets purchased and we are finally on the metro enjoying our ride into DC.

Cousins enjoying some time together.

After a long metro ride and a long walk from the metro station the kids are ready to have a drink and eat some food. It was only 11 or so and they pretty much ate everything we brought!

A little group shot in front of the Washington Monument...our destination as we were planning on meeting Mom and Dad there for a trip to the top! Some of them weren't too enthused about the group picture.

At the top of the monument peering out of one of the many windows.

One of the many views from the can see the white house in this one.

And a large group shot in front of the Monument.

After the kids had a little lunch they played in the grassy area of the mall while we reloaded the stroller and got ready for our walk. Here's a little video of their version of Ring around the Rosy!

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