Friday, May 20, 2011

Spring Soccer for the Boys

I signed the boys up for a Friday morning soccer class while Madison was in preschool. Unfortuneately most days were cool and I was stuck in the van with Jackson while the boys "participated" in the class. I use that term lightly because for the most part I paid $180 for the two of them to chase one another and wrestle each other to the well spent! But on the last day I was able to capture some shots of them doing what they were instructed to do...for the most part.
Before the last class begins...
Jason running the field.

Carson, watch where you're going....

Carson with some high kicks.

Huddled around their British coach.

Playing a "simon says" sort of game...

Yes, there was one girl in the group....and she was a tough little cookie!

One final group picture after receiving their t-shirts.

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