Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Anywhere is a Good Place for a Nap....

To say that Carson has interesting naptime habits is an understatement! Typically he'll spend the first 15 to 20 minutes of his "quiet time" straightening and organizing his own bed (the one on right). Usually this means putting all of his stuffed animals in just the right place on his bed and sometimes he'll add in some cars and trucks. On this day, for some reason, he skipped that step. Then he'll climb into Jason's bed (the one on the left) to nap....for he wouldn't want to now mess up his own bed...can you say OCD? For whatever reason he decided that the floor was the better option on this particular day...he's propped up against a large stuffed horse and is peacefully asleep. We noticed this unique pose on our video monitor so I stopped in to get a picture. But do notice....he did not use his own comforter as a cover....he is using Jason's blanket as well as some blankets we use to cover up the window!

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