Sunday, June 28, 2009


Springtime brought about a transition here in the Pier home. Carson moved from a crib to a toddler bed (what used to be Madison's). He had become quite an expert at climbing out of his crib and while he wasn't doing so in rebellion we decided it was time to make the change. I dreaded it a little as I thought it would be a difficult transition. Praise the wasn't. He did remarkable...similar to Madison's transition. There have been a few times when he's collected various toys and taken them to his bed, but most of the time he goes right to bed. His wake up times have gotten a little earlier since the change, but I hoping in time he'll go back to sleeping in till 7 or so. Even though he and Jason shares a room, he really does leave Jason alone. Occasionally the two can laugh and carry on before going to sleep or upon waking up, but nothing of great concern. Sometimes Jason is making a lot of noise and we can hear Carson over the monitor saying, "NO!" This only brings about more laughter and noise from Jason as he finds it extremely funny. At times they can go and on and on!
Here he is sleeping peacefully in his new bed.

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