Saturday, August 20, 2011

Stray Dog...

This morning a dog appeared in our yard as we were sitting on the front porch enjoying our coffee. At first he was skiddish and I wasn't totally comfortable with the kids approaching him but he quickly warmed up to the bunch, especially Madison. She wasn't there when he initially appeared and he wandered off while we were having breakfast but then he made his way back to our house. Madison loves animals and this dog can tell. He immediately was following her wherever she went. She said that since he didn't have a collar, we could keep him! She's even begun thinking of names for him. Carson said that Target is getting old and is going to die and that this dog is not getting old but getting new! We cracked up at his logic and vocabulary!
He has now attached himself to our porch. I gave him some water but we are refusing to feed him! He is definitely too big for our house and we don't want another pet! He is very if anyone is looking for a dog....

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