Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Rocking and Rolling

My oh my, are we in trouble now. Jason is determined to 6 1/2 months. Madison was almost 8 months when she crawled and Carson was almost 8 1/2 months. Since Madison and Carson both walked early (10 1/2 months and 11 months respectively) we could be in trouble. Jason isn't even sitting up on his own yet, but boy can he move around quickly. Here are a couple of videos I caught of him today in motion. In the first one he demonstates his ability to use rolling as an advantage to get around quickly. Do you hear Madison in the background telling me to move?...she was watching her favorite show--the Big Comfy Couch. In the second video Jason demonstrates his ability to rock back and forth on all fours. I'm sure I'll have a video of him crawling within the week.

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