Friday, July 18, 2008

Never A Dull Mealtime

With three little ones now around the table, mealtime is never boring! Matt sometimes comments that we should just eat our meal after they are done so we can enjoy it. We are constantly moving in one direction or the other monitoring little ones. As Jason is now eating solids we can only imagine the chaos that will take place at mealtimes once he moves onto finger foods! UGH!

Here Madison has realized that yogurt is much like fingerpaint! Needless to say, I did not share in her excitement.
Corn on the cob is a summer tradition. Both Carson and Madison really enjoy it as you can see.

Here's the latest discovery--both of them love black olives. They'd eat an entire container if we'd let them. Madison has realized it is great fun to put them on all of her fingers and eat them off one at a time--she does need a little help getting them all on!

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