Thursday, April 3, 2008

Madison and Carson Happenings

Over the last month Madison and Carson have remained busy as always. Here are a few of my recent pictures of them.

Madison as cute as a button with her pigtails.
Carson and Daddy enjoying a moment together on Easter. He is our constant drooler. I can't even count the number of bibs we've gone through with him.

Here's how Madison keeps herself busy while she's sitting on the potty. I've learned not to walk away for any length of time!Carson and Madison and even Jason have been suffering from a nasty cough and cold recently. Carson also had an ear infection. It's pretty rare to see Carson sitting this still on the couch but he was pretty wiped out from the infection.

On Monday Madison and Carson's energy levels were pretty much back to normal although their coughs remain. Why pull the toys out of the toy box when you can just climb in and enjoy them on the inside?


Anonymous said...

I think you have the cutest kids in the whole world! I can't believe how long Madison's hair is! Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Auntie Dawn

niColeGadE said...

Your kids are super cute! Glad to check out your blog!

Anonymous said...

love to lick Madison clean once she pees